You should teach children how to respect the environment and natural surroundings. Here’s how.
Wondering how you can teach your child how to respect the environment and natural world surrounding him/her? There are several ways and means to accomplish this task. At the same time, you should encourage your child’s powers of critical thinking and observation. This is possible by enrolling him/her in free online hobby classes at Yellow Class. Along with encouraging constructive and creative kids indoor activities, you should also teach them how to respect their environment and Nature. Here are some tips that will help you pull this off successfully:

- Experience counts all the time- Allow kids to learn more about the weight of soil, texture and moisture in it when you are working on the terrace, in the garden or in the backyard. Let them create mud pies and plant bulbs once they start growing older. Let children feel the leaves and bark of trees before taking a leaf back home. Show kids how to whistle with the help of a blade of grass. Create simple experiences that kids will love.
- Repeated exposure matters- Kids learn better via repeated exposure towards experiences of a more concrete nature. Repeat the experience of venturing outdoors and in proximity to plants every day.
- Outdoor playtime matters- You can add a bird feeder, swing set and other equipment outdoors for encouraging your child to tap into a bigger and better relationship with the outside and natural world. You may build a herb and vegetable garden anywhere you wish. This is an activity that may be done together as well.
- Show your enjoyment of natural beauty- Pointing out beautiful trees and flowers or encouraging children to smell the latter will show them that you care for the environment and love it immensely.
- Strive to care- Explain to your kids that you are already making an effort to water your garden/lawn/backyard with a view towards saving water. Let them watch you demarcate recycling bins and explain the entire thing. They should see you turning off lights whenever you leave a room.
- Participation counts in caring for the environment- You should explain to kids why plastics are put in a bin while paper products are put in another. Help them sort out recycling materials. Remind them not to leave the television or other gadgets on. Ask them to switch off lights while leaving rooms. Tell them not to keep the water running in the sink. Children will feel more proud if they can help you out in smaller ways.
- Choose good movies and books- You may also consider the best movies and books for children that will teach them about listening to their hearts, caring for the environment and striving to make a difference in their own small ways.
These are some innovative ways and means that will help you motivate your little ones to care more for the environment and natural world surrounding him/her. A little effort and encouragement on your part will go a long way indeed.
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