Shockwave therapy is a method to treat various medical conditions including pain in different parts of the body. The acoustic waves are used to transmit sound waves to the human body in this non-invasive procedure. By doing so, the pain is reduced and the person experiences improved mobility and functions. He feels much better after receiving miracle mile shockwave therapy. This is effective on ligaments and tendons and is offered as a part of treatment. However, it is always recommended to get in touch with a doctor to understand its potential benefits and drawbacks.
What can be treated with the help of shockwave therapy?
Several medical problems can be cured if this therapy is used as a part of the treatment. A few of them are elaborated on below:
- Frozen shoulders
- Tennis elbow
- Chronic and acute muscle pain in different body parts
- Carpel tunnel syndrome
- Fractures
- Heel spurs
- Repetitive sprains
- Injuries
- Arthritis and knees
- Jumper’s knees
Your primary care physician or the specialist, who is treating you for certain medical conditions should be contacted to get this therapy. Based on your condition and his analysis, he will make the right decision.

Side effects of shockwave therapy
Before opting for this, it is significant to learn about the side effects and risks associated with it. After this, the patient may feel tenderness, swelling or soreness. However, the patient will be able to return to his work and normal life after the treatment without any issues.
What to keep in mind
Since it uses mechanical forces and triggers stimulation in the human body, you should get in touch with a doctor if you have some medical conditions as mentioned below:
- Pregnancy
- Implanted devices
- Tumor
- Joint replacement
- Open wounds
- Nerve disorder and circulation
- Pacemaker
- Infections
The application
It is a non-invasive and safe method to get relief. The person is checked for the medical condition and the specialist will figure out if you are a good candidate for this treatment. A gel is applied directly to the affected area and the applicator is applied to it. The parameters are set and the intensity is applied in such a way that the patient feels comfortable. You need to undergo shockwave therapy after 3-6 weeks depending on your requirements and medical condition. The reports show that it has magical effects on patients.
Apart from this, if you are interested to know more about Benefits of Regular Physiotherapy Sessions then visit our health category.