Are you looking for a hosting server to grow your website?, or Are you seeking a hosting server for acquiring more traffic on your developed website? In both cases, you require an independent hosting environment. An independent hosting platform gives you the right to run your server in favor of your website’s best functioning. Moreover, you also get complete control of your server space and resources. This further lets your website achieve the high availability of resources as and when required. The independent hosting environment is provided by the dedicated server India. Though you can have it through VPS hosting, you cannot have full control over your physical server. Thus, here we will introduce you to the top-leading hosting company ‘Serverwala’ and its Best Dedicated Server in India. However, let us first give you insights into the working of the dedicated server India.
What is Dedicated Server India?
You have already got to know that the dedicated server India renders the independent environment to host your website. Further, in the dedicated server hosting India, you will acquire all the server resources that solely function for your website. You will get the right to decide whether you want to share your server space and web resources with other users or not. The dedicated server in India serves you different usage purposes. For instance, you can utilize your server –
- Entirely to host your website
- To share with other users
- To start your reseller hosting business and for some other purposes.
Let us figure out in the following section for whom the India dedicated server can be fruitful.
When You Should Buy a Dedicated Server India?

The dedicated server India can be the most ideal choice for those who require the following elements to host their websites –
Complete authority of the hosting server
With the dedicated server hosting India, you get root access to your server. This enables you to configure and customize your server based on your website’s needs.
Flexibility in hosting website
The dedicated server in India provides high flexibility while hosting your server. You get the power to install any operating system, application, or program. Moreover, you can also efficiently run resource-intensive applications on your server without disturbing the website’s excellent performance.
The dedicated server India comes with high scalability. You get the privilege to scale the resources and upgrade your hosting plan quickly and easily.
Serverwala Cloud Data Center The Best & Cheap Hosting Provider
You will find many hosting providers in the market who provide dedicated server hosting India. However, it is crucial to pick a reliable and renowned hosting provider to make the best use of the dedicated server hosting. Also, dedicated server India comes with a responsibility. If you do not have the support of the right hosting company, you may fall into a deadlock while managing your server.
Serverwala is one such highly recognized hosting company that renders the best-dedicated server with high-grade hosting facilities. Jump to the subsequent sections to know about the plans and features of the company’s cheap dedicated server India.
Serverwala: Best Plans and Packages of Dedicated Server in India

The Serverwala hosting company offers cheap dedicated server India plans and packages. But the quality of the hosting services is never compromised with the affordable prices. The company provides all the cheap dedicated server India plans with top-tier equipment support. Moreover, no matter whether you opt for managed or unmanaged hosting plans, you will have 24/7 technical support from the company’s team. The team has certified and trained professionals who are always ready to offer their expertise to resolve all kinds of issues.
Why choose Serverwala To Buy Dedicated Server India
Here are some of the features and advantages of the Serverwala cheap dedicated server India. These will tell you how the company’s dedicated server is the perfect hosting solution for your website.
- High level of security
Your website will acquire high levels of security measures including data encryption and firewall protection. The company will also render the DDoS protection and SSL security with its dedicated server India.
- Premium Bandwidth
All the Serverwala dedicated servers provide the fastest network. With the company’s India dedicated server hosting, your website will be able to acquire bandwidth from 100 Mb/s to GBPS.
- Service Level Agreement
The company provides service level agreement with its dedicated server India. The agreement ensures a robust network and a 100% uptime guarantee with the dedicated server hosting India.
Customer Review
Customer reviews can provide you the assurance of whether you are actually purchasing the right and best-dedicated server in India or not. Therefore, here we are mentioning the customer reviews for the Serverwala cheap dedicated server India to strengthen your buying decision.

It is possible that you may still have doubts or queries about the dedicated server India for hosting your website. Fortunately, the Serverwala hosting company provides 24/7/365 customer support through its experienced professionals. You can reach out to them anytime to have answers to your questions. They are available via different communication mediums – Whatsapp, Skype, Phone, Live Chat, Email. You can also browse the company’s website to grab detailed information about its dedicated server in India.
Apart from that, if you are interested to know about Serverwala Review: Get Best Dedicated Server in UAE then visit our Technology category.