It’s safe to say the United States is officially going through a home-organizing revolution. It seems like everyone and their mother is interested in learning ways to make their homes more welcoming and spacious. After all, you pay for all the square feet in your home, so you might as well maximize each cubic inch. Learn about organization philosophies and how to implement them in detail within this article and get information that might be useful.
Having a strategy will help your organizing efforts be much more effective. So, what tidying and organizing philosophies are U.S. households using to get their homes in order? In this article, we’ll discuss three of the most popular methods for organizing and decorating your home.
1. The 90/90 Rule

The first philosophy we’ll cover is the 90/90 rule. According to this rule, you look at each item in your house and ask two questions. The first question is, have you used the item in the last 90 days? If your answer to the first question is no, you ask the second question: Will you use it in the next 90 days? If the answer to both of those questions is no, then it’s time to let it go.
It can be hard to let go of things you no longer need. However, the 90/90 rule is about creating extra space in your home and not throwing out things. With that being said, items for which you answer yes to one of the two 90/90 questions can go into a storage facility. The great thing about self-storage is that it gets your belongings out of the way without you having to sell or trash them.
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2. Feng Shui and the KonMari Method

You might have noticed this section is a two-for-one. The KonMari method started in Japan and has become a major trend in tidying and organizing in the U.S. However, many organizing experts see the KonMari method as a variation of the ancient practice of feng shui.
Feng shui is all about optimizing your space for the flow of qi. Feng shui uses organization and color to facilitate the energies the renter or homeowner desires in their living space.
The KonMari expands on feng shui, giving people a unique strategy for tidying and organizing. According to the KonMari Method, you hold or touch everything in your house. If it brings you joy or adds value to your life, you keep it. If it doesn’t, you get rid of it. You do this with everything, starting with clothes and working your way to jewelry and valuables. After you’ve undergone that process, you do a deep cleaning and organize your home to suit your energy.
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3. Hygge

The hygge method, like the KonMari method, is sweeping the nation in recent years. The first thing you need to know is that despite its spelling, the correct pronunciation is “hoo-gah.” Hygge is a Scandinavian philosophy that’s all about comfort and coziness. It’s minimalist in the sense that it prioritizes space and homey in that it’s all about making sure everything, from household goods like cleaning supplies to accessories like blankets, is in convenient locations throughout your home.
Organizing is a great way to bring order to your home and clear up some headspace as well. Many people believe that your mindset and your home’s tidiness and organization go hand in hand. It’s a good idea to invest some time into getting your house in order. You’ll enjoy the extra space in your home and your mind.
The most basic organizational strategy is the 90/90 rule. Feng shui and the KonMari method can help you to use tidying and organizing as a way to promote the flow of positive energy. If you want your home to feel welcoming with plenty of cozy spaces, you should consider the hygge organization method and lifestyle. Regardless of which strategy you choose, the important thing is to take control of your physical and mental space.
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