In this article, you will get detailed information about how long do lizards live. We will discuss different types of lizards, their features, characteristics and life span. According to a research, there are more than 6000 types of lizards in the world. All the types are different from others due to their characteristics and features. Some lizards can survive only for a few months. On the other hand, some can survive for 50 years.
How long do lizards live?

There are various circumstances that determine the life span of lizards. The food and environment provided to lizards can increase their life span and to know how long do lizards live? Read Further.
Captivity can also increase the life span of lizards.
- The life span of a bearded dragon lizard is 10 years.
- The crested gecko lizard has a life span of 17 years.
- The life span of a chameleon lizard is 3 years.
- The Iguana lizard has life span of 20 years.
- The life span of a Mexican beaded lizard is 3 years.
- House lizard has a life span of 5 years.
- The life span of a thorny dragon lizard is 20 years.
How can captivity increase the life span of lizards?

Captivity gives a secure environment to the lizards. They are entirely safe and no outside animals can attack on them. Some people keep lizards in their homes as a pet and feed them good and healthy food. It also increases their lifespan.
Types of lizards
There are a lot of types of lizards in the whole world. Some of them are mentioned:
Thorny dragon lizards
The scientific name of the Thorny dragon lizard is Moloch horridus. They are also known as the thorny devil. They are also named mountain devil. This type of lizard is primarily present in Australia. They move very slowly. In the daytime, they are very active. However, at night they become lazy. They have spiky scales on their body. They can easily survive in a hot environment. The life span of the Thorny dragon lizard is 20 years.
Komodo dragon lizards
The scientific name of the Komodo dragon lizard is Varanus komodoensis. They are the most giant lizards. It is a very common myth that lizards do not hurt a human. However, if you mess with this type of lizards, they can harm you brutally. Their weight is about 70 kilograms (154lbs). Their height is about 10.3 feet (3.1m). The unique feature of this type of lizards is that their bite can be venomous. Their speed is about 13mph. They are primarily present in Indonesia. Their life span is about 30 years.
Gila monster lizards
The scientific name of the Gila monster lizard is Heloderma suspectum. The bite of this lizard is also venomous. They have black and orange scales on the body. Their size is about 21.5 inches (55cm). They are primarily present in the deserts of America and Mexico. They mostly come outside at night. Their life span is 20 years.
Jackson’s chameleon lizards
The scientific name of Jackson’s chameleon lizard is Trioceros jacksonii. They are primarily present in East Africa. They are also seen in Hawaii, Florida and California. They have 3 horns. They have a bright green color. They can also change the color of their body according to the surface of the earth. They love to eat insects. They can also eat other lizards. Their life span is 5 years.
Satanic leaf-tailed gecko lizards
The scientific name of the Satanic leaf-tailed gecko lizard is Uroplatus phantasticus. They are primarily present in Madagascar. They love to come outside during the rainy season. Their size is 2.5 inches (6.4cm). Their tail resembles the shape of the leaf. People also keep them in their homes as a pet. Their life span is 10 years.
Tokay gecko lizards
The scientific name of the Tokay gecko lizard is Gecko gecko. Their size is about 16 inches (40cm). They are primarily present in south and East Asia. Their body has red and black colored spots. They are also seen in China and Vietnam. They live on the surface of trees and rocks. Their weight is about 450lbs (204kg). Their life span is 10 years.
Argentine black and white tegu lizards
The scientific name of the Argentine black and white tegu lizard is Salvator merianae. They are primarily present in Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay. Their size is about 4 feet (1.2inches). They have green head and black body. They love to eat animals eggs, vegetables and fruits. They also eat rodents and other lizards. Their life span is 15 years.
Galapagos land lguana lizards
The scientific name of the Galapagos land lguana lizard is Conolophus subcristatus. They are primarily present on islands. Their size is about 4.9 feet (1.5m). The life span of this type of lizard is 55 years.
Parson’s chameleon lizards
The scientific name of Parson’s chameleon lizard is Calumma parsonii. They are primarily present in forests. Their size is about 2 feet (60cm). They have a unique feature that they can change the color of their body according to the surface of the earth. Their life span is 13 years.
Green basilisk lizards
The scientific name of the Green basilik lizard is Basiliscus plumifrons. They are also known as green crested lizards. They are primarily present in Panama, Honduras, Costa Rica and Nicaragua. They are also kept as pets in homes. Their life span is 7 years.
What Is Necessary For Lizards To Survive?
They take up little room and are simple to keep up. Tropical rainforests, jungles, and dry, arid regions of the world all serve as lizards’ natural habitats. Lighting, temperature, moisture, anxiety, nutrition, and hydration are just a few of the many variables that affect the health and happiness of your lizard.
How Old Must A Lizard Be To Live The Longest?
An indigenous reptile in New Zealand called the tuatara can live for over a century. At the Southern Museum in New Zealand, Henry, a tuatara, married for the first time an 80-year-old female in 2009 when he was thought to be 111 years old. As a result, 11 baby tuatara were born.
The main concern of the article is knowing how long do lizards live? We have discussed different types of lizards, their features, characteristics and life span in this article. We have also mentioned different techniques by which you can increase their life span. If you provide healthy food and a sound environment to the lizards, their life span will increase.
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A lizard can survive for two weeks without eating food. It all depends on the type of lizard. Some lizards can survive for three months without eating food.
Yes, it is possible. You can increase the life span of lizards. If you keep them in a clean environment and provide them with healthy food, their life duration increases automatically.
The maximum age of a male home lizard is 4 years and the maximum age of a female home lizard is 6 years.
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