Life is all about being efficient these days. Of course, we want to achieve more but it’s also good if we can get more downtime. The great news is that a 6 monitor setup can improve your productivity between about 30 and 50%, depending on which research report you read. Also, your monitors actually double up as an entertainment unit for films and games. You simply need to make sure that you have the right computer as your starting point. These devices are often referred to as trading computers even though they’re not just used by traders. Check out if you want to view a state-of-the-art portfolio of a range of these devices.
How a 6 Monitor Setup Improves Workflow
- Multiple data sources
- Ease of communication
- Improved video and photo editing
- Get the right display setup
- Effective shortcuts
Multiple Data Sources
The obvious advantage of a 6 monitor setup is that you can open different programs and data sources on each of your screens. This makes it so much easier to compare documents. Even editing or inputting into one piece of work whilst referring to another is much simpler. Imagine also how much easier it is to work on large spreadsheets with two, three, or even 6 monitors?
Most of us now use Zoom or Skype or some other form of video conferencing. With a 6 monitor setup, you can see people much better thanks to your integrated video card. Furthermore, you can collaborate more effectively. For example, you can have your video platform on one screen whilst you edit and work on a shared document. Zoom allows you to do this so that you can leverage your multiple monitor setup.

Multimedia Editing
Depending on what you want to use your 6 monitor setup for, you might appreciate the extra space when doing any video or photo editing. You can actually spread out the different sections so that you can see the details you want to edit more easily. Also, thanks to your integrated graphics card, your visuals will be much clearer and of greater quality all around.
Read More: How to achieve professional photo editing standards
Whether you choose two, three, or 6 monitors will depend on what you want to use your equipment for. How you then use your layout will depend on your personal work style and preferences regardless of whether you’re a mac or Windows 10 person. So, for example, you can either set up your screens to work independently. Alternatively, you can extend the display so that you can drag windows across your screens. Most people opt for this approach because this essentially gives you a larger virtual desk.
You’ll need to find the right balance between productivity and information overload. As you might be able to imagine, it’s actually very easy to lose your cursor. Therefore, companies like DisplayFusion have created special shortcuts to add to your computer’s existing ones, whether these are mac or windows 10. It’s worth exploring these shortcuts to make your life simpler so you can better enjoy your 6 monitor setup.
A Note About the Technical Specification for a 6 Monitor Setup
Of course, you have to make your 6 monitor setup work for you. Nevertheless, it’s worth noting a few points about the equipment as described below:
- Computer
- Graphics card
- Resolution
Whether you use a desktop or a laptop, it’s your computer’s specifications that allow you to connect two, three, or even 6 monitors, more specifically the graphics card. Essentially though, you’ll need to make sure that you have a processing power of at least 2.8GHz or even above 3GHz if you can afford it. Also, you’ll need a minimum RAM speed of 8GB although 16GB is preferable. All this allows your computer to keep up with the demand for up to 6 monitors.
Graphics Cards
Most computers have an integrated graphics card although many people, particularly gamers, like to build their own computers with external graphics cards. Either way, make sure that you have at least 2GB of Graphics Processing Unit power and up to 4GB graphics card or more if you can. Although, this does depend on whether you’ll be using your multi-monitor setup for gaming and trading. If not, then 2GB should be more than enough. This requirement is to power your multi-monitor charts and graphics but if you’re not updating images that often then you don’t need to go for the top of the range.
Most people, including gamers and traders, opt for the lower end of the range of LCD panels and get TN panels. This is because the resolution quality is already very good and more than enough for what the majority of people need. Having said that, you can also explore the VA and IPS panels and see how their resolution differs across multiple monitor setups.
Parting Words on Improving your Workflow with a 6 Monitor Setup
The trick with a multi-monitor setup is to get the right balance to avoid being overwhelmed by information overload. A good approach is to plan your workflow and only open things that you need. Regardless, you benefit from a larger digital workspace where you can spread out your work so it’s easier to view and compare. How you then arrange your multiple monitors is up to you and might evolve with time. So, be curious, play around, and see what happens as you find your perfect setup.