People have known about the risks of anti-biotic resistant bacteria in hospitals for a long time. New information about how the super strong germs spread has helped protect many patients from disease. A new report from the CDC says that they have discovered a new strain of bacteria that is spreading around not only hospitals, but nursing homes and other types of medical facilities as well. At a time when nursing home injuries are becoming more common, it’s important for patients and their families to stay up to date on possible health risks.
The bacteria, known as C.difficile, causes a variety of health issues including diarrhea and is responsible for about 14,000 deaths each year. It has spread in many different ways, but CDC officials say that about 75 percent of cases appeared in patients from nursing homes or people who had recently visited a clinic or doctors office.
The Centers for Disease Control advises a few ways to help stop the spread of the bacteria:
• Washing your hands thoroughly after bathroom use.
• Taking antibiotics only as prescribed.
• Notifying your doctor immediately if you have been taking an antibiotic for a few months and are experiencing diarrhea.
• Making sure your bathroom is clean at all times, and insist upon additional cleaning if you share a bathroom with someone who may be sick.
Older patients who rely on nursing home care may be more vulnerable than other groups of patients. John Rivera, a nursing home neglect lawyer in NYC, says that injuries that have been caused by improper maintenance or cleaning at a nursing home should be investigated to ensure that other patients do not suffer from a similar hazard.
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