The post CoVid 19 market is a much different one to that which we left a couple of years back. The world as we knew it in 2018 has completely changed bringing to the fore new business trends, market behaviors, transportation norms and so on and so forth. While the taxi business did suffer a major setback owing to the lockdowns that lasted intermittently for about 2 years, things are slowly getting back on track. But, with the growing popularity of the Uber Clone app, it appears as though the entire transport and taxi business is soon going to surpass its profitability even from 2018.
Challenges in the taxi business in 2021
With the corona virus outbreak, major lockdown restrictions were imposed all over the world. In an attempt to control and contain the virus, the governments of most countries almost entirely prohibited public movement. This came as a back breaker for the taxi industry.
The major concerns and regulations were as follows:
- Social Distancing
- Hygiene and Sanitization
- Wearing a Mask at all times
- No direct handling of items between people
Since in a taxi all these things seemed unavoidable, business in 2020 was at an all time low. However, the solution to all these issues has come in the form of the advanced Uber Taxi Clone in 2021.
What are the solutions?
A simple addition of certain features in the taxi app ensures that all kinds of norms and rules can be followed and the safety of your rider as well as the driver can be maintained. Let us take a look at some of the advanced features of the Uber Taxi Clone App in 2021.
- A. Limited Passenger Booking
In order to cater to the first challenge, that is, social distancing, this feature was added to the Uber Taxi Clone app. This feature allows the taxi owner to restrict the number of seats available for booking in their taxi. Let us try to understand this better with an example. Let us say a taxi driver has a five seater car. In order to make sure that people don’t come in direct physical contact with each other, the taxi owner can restrict the number of seats available for booking from 5 to 3.
- B. Safety Checklist
Pathogens are very sneaky and in order to ensure that they don’t sneak into our biological system, maintaining strict discipline with respect to hygiene and sanitization is critical. The governments of most countries have delineated clear safety guidelines which each individual must follow.
However, it is easy to forget these guidelines when one is moving around. This is why; the Uber app clone presents a checklist of all these guidelines that you can go through right at the beginning of the ride. Not only is this safe for everyone, it is also extremely convenient.
- C. Face Mask Verification
Face masks have proven to be the first line of security between us and the floating pathogens in the air. As per law, everyone must wear face masks while they are outdoors. To ensure that this law is being followed and your drivers and riders are both safe, the app requires a face mask verification right at the beginning of the trip.
This means that the driver can only begin the ride that is booked once he takes a selfie of him and the riders wearing the face mask and then uploading it to the app. This makes is absolutely certain that safety rules are not being flouted.
- D. No Direct Handling of Items Between People
Currency notes are the biggest carriers of germs. They keep moving from one hand to another and bear germs and pathogens from each of the carriers while also transferring them to others further. With the in app wallet system in the Uber Clone app, the drivers and the riders of the app don’t have to worry about handling cash physically in the ride. Since it is digital money, no one’s hands are getting dirty!
- E. Ride Cancellation
Under other circumstances, ride cancellation always incurs an inconvenience charge. However, in case the rider or the driver observe that the other party is not following any of the CoVid 19 specific norms, then this feature would allow them to cancel the ride immediately without fear of losing any money at all. This is a very important feature at a time like this.
Finding the Right Uber Clone App
Uber Clone apps are very popular these days. Therefore, you can find hundreds of thousands of companies and individual developers building such apps all over the world. However, in order to successfully create your own business from it, it is important to find the right app that suits your business perfectly.
The most important thing in order to achieve this is to out line your own business needs. Once you know what you want from the business, you should be able to find the right app easily. Create a business plan, map a timeline and draw out a budget most suitable for you. Also, ensure that you make a list of all the features that you want for your app. It is possible that some companies will claim to have a thousand different features for the Uber taxi clone, but if you don’t think you need it, don’t pay for it.
Finally, ensure that you only purchase your Uber App Clone from a company that has its feet on the ground since at least 8 to 10 years. The on demand market is a very volatile one. Trends and consumer behaviors keep changing. Their experience will allow you to see things that you perhaps would have over looked in the business.
Also, it would help your business a great deal if they offer white label services. That way they can add your logo and brand name to the Uber Clone App and remove any traces of their own name from there. While you are at it, make sure that you speak to your white label on demand uber taxi clone app Development Company’s team to integrate the choice of your local language and your required local currency within the app.
Author Bio:
Anurag Rathod is an Editor of Appclonescript.com, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on demand businessideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.
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