The success of a recruiting strategy is not only about the team that devises and executes it. It’s also about many other aspects you might not have considered. We have compiled a few simple recruitment tips to help ensure you are consistently attracting top talent.
Keep these ideas in mind, and you will always make high-quality recruitments. Read on—
Employee referrals work like magic
Building a recruiting system starts with turning every employee into an recruiter. This is done by asking for referrals.
Sometimes the most simple strategies are the best. For instance, hire the best or quality hire people you know. Keep them engaged and happy. Encourage them and their friends to bring the best talents they know (and acknowledge them when they do!). Offer a positive candidate experience. And keep going until you have a larger employee network.
Business across the globe believe strongly in employee referrals. A CareerBuilder study found that 82% of employers rate employee referrals as the best source to generate the highest return on investments (ROI). Most human resource solutions will vouch for the efficacy of referrals.
Prioritize the experience of candidates
Creating a positive candidate experience is a way to make the most out of your hiring budget and win over potential employees. A candidate experience refers to the first encounter a potential employee has within your company and with your culture. It’s important that you don’t make mistakes at this stage as it could damage your reputation.
Create a candidate interview and employee onboarding checklist, so you have it all at your fingertips.
If the candidate experience is great, your employees will feel cared for, and will likely want to work for you forever. They are also highly likely to tell their friends and relatives about the company culture, which will sure build a great brand image for your company.
A good work culture is an extremely powerful and positive signal to send, not only to potential candidates but also to existing employees as well as new hires. Your organization must highlight the importance it places on its employees at all levels.
If you really care and show professionalism in everything you do, even those who were not selected will happily share great things about their interaction with you.
Bad candidate experiences are not just bad for the candidates, but also your company and the employees who refer them.
It’s a guarantee that if an employee refers a candidate to you, and you treat them poorly, they will hesitate to refer another candidate.
It doesn’t matter how high-profile the projects are or how huge the amount of money you pay: if candidates aren’t treated with the same respect as a long-term colleague, it’s a disservice for the organization.
Here is a checklist to ensure that your candidate experience is positive.
—Provide a clear and concise description of the job responsibilities early on.
—Meet up on time.
—Be prepared.
—Hold a warm introduction session.
—Share your feedback with the candidate.
This quick checklist will help you tread the path to greatness.
A great process for offboarding
Although it might seem counterintuitive at first, an excellent offboarding experience is essential to a successful recruitment system. Some employment relationships end on bad terms. This is partly due to the way that employees are offboarded.
We are so focused in creating the perfect onboarding experience it sometimes takes a little push to realize how important postboarding events can be.
Ex-employees can also recommend your organization to friends and colleagues, just like current employees. Some past employees are a source of exceptional referrals for potential candidates.
And that is why it’s important that the people who leave your company leave on a good note.
Employees who love working for your company and are offboarded without disrespect will be more inclined to return. When they return, they will bring back the original skills and, most likely, scores of new ones.
Modern tools are a must
There are many tools available to increase the effectiveness of your sourcing, hiring and selection processes.
There are some online tools that will allow you to host blind auditions. Blind auditions are a way to evaluate candidate based on their performance and not on resume bullet points, GPAs or past company relationships.
It is possible for an excellent candidate to be rejected because of something that doesn’t necessarily determine their success in the position they are applying for. Blind auditions can also be a way to stop candidates who might not be the right fit for a particular job (but look more professional on paper).
There are tools that help organizations create more effective job description templates. This may not seem to be a top priority in your recruiting strategy, but it’s the first thing a candidate will see. The use of descriptors are not uncommon, but the language most of them use is often unappealing to candidates.
Once you’ve created the perfect job description, there are many platforms that can help it reach the ideal audience.
Go for a powerful recruitment tool that will allow you to create one posting and have it distributed across more than 100 job boards. It also allows you to manage social recruiting as well as screening from one platform.
There are also tools for companies looking to develop an internship program or for students looking to join a company as interns. You can start with a free version if you only need to find a few candidates.
Applicant tracking software can help you speed up the hiring process. There are many options, so you can do your research and choose the best one for your needs.
Although all of the above tips are great, they might demand your time. If, however, you are time-pressed or don’t want to get involved with the recruitment process, then there are recruitment consultants in dubai that can help you. They bring a great deal of experience to the table. Meaning, you make quality hires without having to make recruitments on your own.
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