Installing a new septic systems on an undeveloped property? Or, need to replace the outdated system in your home?
In the old days, your only option was a traditional septic tank and leach field. Today, things have changed. With the help of Northern California septics engineers, you can plan and install a greener, more durable, and more efficient septic system.
Here are all the ways a modern septic system can benefit your home or business.
1. More affordable installation of septic systems
To start with, wastewater treatment systems today come with faster, more affordable installation.
Flexible, eco-friendly septic pipes can be adapted to fit any landscape, flat or sloped — so you don’t need to waste time or money leveling out your ground.
On top of that, septic tanks today often use an air-pump or other efficient system to accelerate the breakdown of waste. That means the tanks themselves can be smaller and easier to install.
2. Less environmental impact
Traditional systems filter wastewater through a leach field into the ground.
In most cases, this is a safe system. But if your septic is out of date or you haven’t had a soil test on your property recently, you could be risking harmful ground pollution.
A new, professionally installed residential system will provide you with the peace of mind that you’re not harming the environment around your home.
3. Easy repair and maintenance
Another huge benefit to upgrading your residential or commercial septic system: repairs no longer have to be such a big deal.
Septic repair and maintenance is easy with more compact, modern systems. Your local professionals will have the job done in no time, and you won’t have to worry about the costs of an unexpected breakdown.
Want to learn more about the benefits of modern, eco-friendly septic system? Contact your California septic installation company any time for a consultation.
Apart from that, if you are interested to know about How To Avoid Expensive Septic Repairs then visit our Home Improvement category.