All the information about income, family, career and net worth of Quavo is provided in this article.
The birth name of Quavo is Quavious Keynote Marshall. Quavo is his professional name. He has another nickname which is Huncho. But this name is the least famous of all. He uses this name as his username on Instagram “QuavoHuncho.” He was born on April 2, 1991. He is 32 years old, as updated by the year 2023. His birthplace is Athens, Georgia, United States. He spent his early life with a cousin and a nephew. Both are notable rappers now, and so is he. The professional names of his cousin and nephew are Offset and Takeoff, respectively.
The media do not know his father, but his mother’s name is Eden Marshall. She is well-known among other celebrities in the music industry and worldwide due to the fame of Quavo. She has a very calm personality, and Quavo seems very attached to her. At least it is visible by their photos uploaded on social media.
Earlier years
Athens, Georgia, is the place of Quavious Keyate Marshall’s 1991 birth. Although he attended Berkmar High School, he later left the institution. In 2008, Quavo, Takeoff, and Offset, three other rappers, established the group Migos.
There are direct connections between Quavo’s three hip-hop group members because they were raised together by her mother. Despite being cousins, Offset and Takeoff are uncles to Quavo. After initially calling themselves “Polo Club,” the group changed its name to “Migos” in order to avoid being too broad.
He got famous by co-founding a hip-hop trio. This band is named “Migos.” He is one of the three members of the band. The other two are his cousin and nephew, Offset and Takeoff. As a trio, they released many songs that became popular among the general audience. He has also partially joined another organization as an owner by FCF Glacier Boyz.
These are some of the songs which became so popular that they are eventually called the highlights of his career:
- Open it up was released in 2018 by a band Culture II
- Intentions were released in 2020 by Changes
- Walk it Talk was released in 2018 by Culture II
- We set the trends was released in 2022 by Gangsta Grillz
- Get right witcha was released in 2017 by Culture
- Strub the ground was released in 2021
- How we coming was released in 2021 by Culture III
- Bacc at it again was released in 2019 by Backend Beezy
- Handsome and wealthy was released in 2014 by No Label 2
- Avalanche was released in 2021 by Culture III
- Bad and Boujee was released in 2017 by Culture
- Deadz was released in 2017 by Culture
- The danger was released in 2017 by Bright
- Slippery was released in 2017 by Culture
- Pure water was released in 2019 by Perfect water
- Straightening was released in 2021 by Culture III
- MotorSport was released in 2018 by Culture II
- Need it was released in 2021 by Culture III
- My family was released in 2019
- Narcos was released in 2018 by Culture II
- Modern-day was released in 2021 by Culture III
- Go off was released in 2017 by The fate of the Furious
- The T-shirt was released in 2017 by Culture
- Having our way was released in 2021 by Culture III
- YRN was released in 2014 by Thuga Thuga
- Notice me was released in 2018 by Culture II
- Too blessed was released in 2021 by Lucky 7
- The stir fry was released in 2018 by Culture II
- Workin I was released in 2018 (solo)
- Cocoon was released in 2016
- Racks 2 skinny was released in 2020
The labels which he got in the music industry are:
- Quality control
- Motown
- Capitol
Personal life
Quavo is not married to anyone. But he seemed to have a relationship with a fellow rapper. Her birth name is Diamonte Quiava Valentin Harper, but she is known by her nickname “Saweetie.” They were in a relationship from 2018 to 2021. But Saweetie has now declared herself single on the official platform. That means quavo is also single now. He does not have any children. He and Saweetie were planning to have a kid in the year 2021, but they broke up before it. Saweetie confirms this through a tweet on Twitter.
The net worth of Quavo as of the year 2023:

The collective net worth of Migos is 80 million dollars. But the individual net worth of Quavo is 26 million dollars, as updated by the survey of the year 2023. The source of his wealth is; a professional rapper.
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As we can imagine, a social media star is known globally. They are unable to keep their personal life private. Everything is shown on the internet. The paparazzi capture every step of them. They can’t avoid controversies. One of the most recent controversies of Quavo is elaborated on below:
Footage of Saweetie and Quavo was leaked. According to the video, it seemed that Quavo was physically abusing Saweetie. Unfortunately, a short time after that, they broke up. So the public assumed that the video was the reason for their breakup. They accused Quavo of physically abusing Saweetie. Later, he made an official statement that he never physically abused Saweetie. It was just a mistake. And it is certainly not the reason behind their breakup. Additionally, he said, they had disputes other than that, and they moved on by mutual understanding. He added that he still has a lot of gratitude toward her.
- Is quavo currently dating anyone?
He was dating Saweetie, but now he is officially single.
- How many kids does Quavo have?
He is not the father of anyone. He planned to have his first child with Saweetie, but it did not work out.
- Who is Quavo’s mother?
Eden Marshall is the single mother of Quavo.
- How is quavo Takeoff’s uncle?
He is directly related to him by his mother’s side, and they were raised together.
- What is the source of his income?
The primary source of his wealth is rap songs. He also earns by concerts and other gatherings and from Instagram and Twitter too.
If you aim to earn a net worth and are also blessed naturally by the talent of music, you can certainly achieve your goals. But you have to take your personal life for granted if you want to earn a name in the music industry.
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