The use of wallpapers in interior design is very much common today. The reason for this is not far-fetched, as using designer wallpapers for home is such an easy and efficient way to transform your space. Many people do not see wallpaper colors as anything beyond aesthetics. Colors, however, play an integral role in shaping your mood and energy level. Whether going for a dark and cozy or bright and homely feel, choosing the right wallpaper color is very essential to achieving your goal. It is also believed and often said that the color of a room tells of the owner’s personality.
When buying wallpaper online, you must keep in mind that there are different kinds of modern wallpaper for home, and no matter the type of wallpaper design you are gunning for, ensure that you choose the color that best suits your design dream. This article provides a list of wallpaper colors and how they can affect your mood.
Blue wallpaper:
Blue is the color of warmth and tranquility. It is said to be soothing, calm, and relaxing. Blue is also a color that has many shades making any blue wallpaper versatile in its use. Blue wallpapers help give the room a homely and relaxing feeling. Blue is a very accommodating color and can be easily paired with various kinds of colorful interiors. Although it may be used for several rooms, blue is easily a favorite for the bedroom. Research shows that if your room walls are blue, there is a high tendency to have a better sleeping habit as blue helps create a soothing sleeping environment.
Green wallpaper:
The color green is often associated with nature. Hence, it is a great choice if you want to have your room look clean and feel fresh. Green wallpapers are very common for interior design, and this is because of the calming atmosphere it gives. It is a great choice for your living room because green is considered respectful to the eyes. It is also a great choice if you are a person who likes having people over as guests because green, especially the bright shade, invites people in; it makes anyone who steps into your room feel wanted and relaxed. Green, like many colors, has different shades, and in its case, some shades make very clear statements. A great example is a dark green wallpaper which eludes a mature feeling and presence as opposed to the energetic and fresh feel of nature brighter shades of green gives. It is also notable to mention that having your wallpapers in the color green also helps improve your sleeping habit.
Brown wallpaper:
Brown is a great choice where you hope to achieve a traditional and reserved interior design. Using brown wallpapers is often seen as a safe choice as it is very easy to design a room with brown walls due to the accommodating nature of the color brown. Brown screams comfort and tradition. However, modern wallpapers for homes have various kinds of designs that transform the color brown from safe and comfortable to elegant and sophisticated. This, especially when paired with the right type of interior, can create a cozy and interesting visual. So whether you want a traditional and reserved feeling or a feeling of elegance, sophistication, and wealth, brown wallpapers are your best choice of color.
Cream wallpaper:
Cream is one very popular color when it comes to interior design. The reason is simple; it fits almost any and every room regardless of the purpose of such space. Having cream wallpapers make your room feel warm and cozy. It gives a soothing and friendly atmosphere that could be a great blessing on rough days when you need a break from outside and clear your head. Having cream wallpapers light up your room makes your room feel safe and accommodating, like a sanctuary. It makes you crave your room when you are out. Cream wallpapers are a great choice when you are going for a minimalist look, and although often compared with white, cream is a totally different color with its own effect. White could give a chilly and lonely feeling different from the warm and cozy feeling cream wallpapers give. Also, even though neutral, cream isn’t boring or bland as it also has its own fair share of various shades, which helps bring color and life to your room.
Gold Wallpaper:
Gold is often associated with luxury and elegance. Also, as with any other metallic color, gold is a great choice for dark areas as it helps with light reflection and thus lights up dimmed rooms. Gold is a very common wallpaper color among the wealthy and people who generally look expensive. Although gold wallpapers may seem too much, it isn’t always so, especially when paired with the right kind and amount of interior. Gold gives your room a glamorous look that continually brightens your mood. Depending on the type of shade, gold can be cheerful and energetic or mature or luxurious. One thing is sure, gold is a great color that leaves you positive and in a bright mood.
Having looked at different kinds of wallpaper colors and how they can be significant, especially regarding affecting your mood, I believe that colors now mean more than aesthetics to you. The color of the wallpaper you use for your rooms can not only reflect your personality but can heavily influence it. Also, colors can change the size of the room and the size and shape of the furniture used for the interior design. So, when next you are looking to buy wallpapers online, make sure to remember that colors matter.
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