When you are using a garbage disposal, there are chances that you may face some problems. For example, it is a matter of common observance that foreign objects get stuck in the garbage accidentally.
Sometimes, you may see that the stuck broken glass in the garbage. If it happens, then there is no need to worry about it. you can solve this problem in a simple and step-by-step procedure.
You can remove the broken glass from the garbage safely and without causing any harm to yourself. For this purpose, what you have to do is simply follow the procedure given below.
1-Unplug your garbage disposal:
The first step is to cut off the electrical connection of your garbage disposal. You can do so by unplugging your waste disposer unit. This step is necessary to save you from any mishap or accidents like electrical shock and laceration of your hand.
So, don’t forget to unplug your disposal before starting your work. Instead of unplugging, you can also turn off the main switch of the electrical circuit of your kitchen.
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2-Remove visible pieces:
In the second step you need to remove all the visible and big pieces of glass from your garbage disposal. It is better to use the tools like needle-nose pliers.
Never ever use your hands for this purpose because there are chances of laceration of your hands. Similarly, don’t use inappropriate tools like tongs as it may cause difficulty in this process.
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3-Use Shop vacuum:
After picking up and removing the big and visible pieces of glass, next step is to pick up small pieces. And the most effective and the easiest way of doing so is the usage of shop vacuum. Carefully pick the small pieces of glass with the help of this vacuum cleaner.
One thing necessary to mention here is that never use the ordinary vacuum cleaners. If you don’t have a shop vacuum, it would be better for you to get one, as it will be helpful for you in future as well.
4-Move the blades slightly:
After removing the pieces of glass with shop vacuum, move the blades of garbage disposal manually in such a way that the small pieces of glass present just below the blades get uncovered.
After removing the small pieces of glass, check further with the help of torch if there are any pieces left behind and remove them as well.
5-Unjam the blades for garbage disposal :
In the next step, you have to turn the blades manually again in order to check if there is any jam or blockage left. For this purpose, the tool you need to choose is Allen wrench which is also known as hex wrench.
Insert the Allen wrench in the hole you can find on the lower side of your garbage disposal. after inserting it into the hole, move it back and forth to release any clogs.
After that, move the blades in clockwise direction first and then in anti-clockwise direction. Keep repeating all this process until your garbage disposal is unjammed.
6-clean your garbage disposal:
In this step, simply clean your garbage disposal by rinsing it with water and then turn it on. If it doesn’t turn in, then you may go for resetting. reset it by pressing the red colored button located at the lower surface of your garbage disposal. After resetting it rinse it with water again and it is ready to use.
If you have accidently put broken glass in garbage disposal, and you don’t know how to remove it from your garbage disposal, don’t worry. You can easily overcome this problem if you follow the step by step method as mentioned above.
It will certainly help you to get broken glass out of your garbage disposal with ease, safety and perfection.