Hyperpigmentation is when you get skin patches darker than the surrounding areas. It happens when your skin produces excess melanin. It can develop on all skin types but is more common in darker tones because they have higher melanin content. Sun exposure, certain medications, melasma, medical conditions, and skin trauma can lead to hyperpigmentation. Hyperpigmentation Glen Allen is harmless, but you may treat it to improve your skin appearance. Using sunscreen on your skin to protect yourself from harmful ultraviolet rays and avoiding tanning beds can help prevent hyperpigmentation.
Causes of hyperpigmentation
Skin trauma like acne, insect bites, eczema, scratching, cuts or scrapes can lead to inflammation. Inflammation can stimulate the production of pigment cells, leaving dark spots after your injury has healed. Inflammation resulting in discoloration is known as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.
Sun exposure
Too much melanin can give your skin a tan. The sun’s UV rays trigger the production of too much melanin as a strategy to prevent your skin from damage, leading to hyperpigmentation. Frequent or excessive sun exposure can make dark sunspots appear. Sunspots are not cancerous, but sun-exposed skin may develop precancerous blemishes similar to sunspots. Dermatologists recommend you get a skin test yearly.
Melasma appears as brown patches, common in women due to fluctuating hormone levels, like during pregnancy. It can be triggered by sun exposure, genetics, and hormonal changes. Studies show that melasma can also be linked to oral contraceptives.
Medical problems or medications
Addison’s disease, an adrenal gland disorder that increases melanin production, can cause hyperpigmentation. Certain medications, including non-steroidal, can increase the risks of hyperpigmentation. Research by Cancer Connect shows that some chemotherapy can cause temporary hyperpigmentation.
Treatments for hyperpigmentation
Topical creams
Topical creams can help treat hyperpigmentation. These creams contain ingredients that can lighten your skin, such as Azelaic acid, vitamin C, retinoids, and mequinol. Some creams, like can cause side effects such as skin rashes, inflammation, redness, skin sores, and irritation. Always consult your doctor before using skin-lightening products because they can cause adverse effects.
Cosmetic procedures
Your dermatologist can use cosmetic procedures like laser therapy, intense pulsed light, and chemical peels to reduce the appearance of your hyperpigmentation. Ensure you discuss the side effects of each technique before treatment. These treatments can injure the outer layer of your skin, worsening your skin condition.
Home remedies
Home remedies can reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation. Aloesin, an aloe vera component, can lighten hyperpigmentation. Aloesin inhibits the production of melanin in your skin. Studies suggest that aloe vera capsules can help relieve melasma during pregnancy. If you wish to try a new remedy, always test the product on a small area of your skin and stop the treatment if you experience irritation. Licorice extract can also lighten hyperpigmentation because it has an anti-inflammatory and skin-whitening effect.
Hyperpigmentation is when you get skin patches darker than the surrounding areas. It can result from skin trauma, sun exposure, melasma, medications, or medical conditions. You can reduce its appearance of it through cosmetic procedures, topical creams, and home remedies. Schedule an appointment at Absolute Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center for hyperpigmentation treatment to improve your skin appearance.
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